Christian Day Traders
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Welcome, cartoon got your attention?  We do like to have a little fun around here. Please take some time and read what is here.  Thanks for visiting and please check here often for updates.  May God Bless you.


Are you a Day Trader with Christian beliefs who would like to talk to others like yourself?  Finally, a clean and safe environment, that trades a variety of interests including stocks and futures, to name a few.  The purpose of this site and chat room are:

  1. To have a place where we can honor Christ in our work.
  2. To provide a clean and safe environment for Christian Day Traders to share ideas.



If you would like to join us, we have a room on Paltalk.  You will need to download the software and it is free at  We are under "Business and Finance" section and look for the room labeled "Christiandaytraders".  This is a private room, send an email for a password if you are interested  Some rules for the room are:

  • Respect one another.
  • No profanity or offensive language of any sort  NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!
  • Calls are allowed, but are for educational purposes only.
  • Posting of other sites is prohibited (linking onto these sites may be harmful to your computer).   Only moderators are allowed to post.  If you would like to post something you think might benefit the group, please request permission to do so.
  • If you are new to the room, pleaes sit back and see how things are run.  Markets can move very fast.

Please note if you abuse these rules you will be bounced from the room.


What are spiritual gifts?

I Corinthians 12:1 talks about Spiritual Gifts as special abilities the Holy Spirit gives to Christians.  These gifts are used to help other people to become stronger Christians.  Spiritual gifts are given to us for encouraging others, for teaching others, and for giving praise and glory to God.  There are many different kinds of spiritual gifts. 

Classes!!! "Cool Beans"

From time to time, we will have classes on topics including various Christian issues and Trading techniques.  These classes will be free for members and are in a locked room.  Members would be those who are serious about their walk with the Lord and also serious about Trading.  To become a member, send us an email and you will be added to the list.  We do not sell or solicit any names.  Please refer to the "What's New" page for upcoming classes.

Words to Treasure

Righteousness from God comes

through faith in Jesus Christ to all

 who believe.

Romans 3:22